Advanced Network Settings

General Connectivity

It is essential to understand that Wexer devices need internet connectivity, and our service agreement requires that this be provided. 

It is also essential to understand that our products cannot use WiFi and must be hardwired.

This guide is for facilities and IT Departments that may need to manage their local area network traffic in specific ways - and will cover items such as servers, IP Addresses,

Port Forwarding/Opening, etc. Those without a basic understanding of TCP/IP and Local or Wide Area Networks should not use this document.

Wexer Product Connectivity

The Wexer system operates with up- and downloads to and from different servers and with varying file sizes.

To ensure the optimal circumstances for the system to keep itself up-to-date, please ensure the following network settings are in place.

Please submit a ticket to us if you need additional information by clicking here.

File- and web servers

Please ensure traffic is allowed to and from the following servers. Web servers operate on port 80.

Web servers

Software and schedule updates, statistics upload, and miscellaneous system files download

Port 443 (and 80 as fallback)

  • * (wildcard)
  • (temporary for v

Content and services

Port 443 (and 80 as fallback)

  • / *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • (fallback: WHERE x = [a - e])

Domains needed for a content consumer; a user who views content or streams

  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *

Please allow traffic on the protocols below for the domains mentioned:

  • TCP 80 (HTTP)
  • TCP 443 (HTTPS)

Domains needed for a broadcast studio; a user who broadcasts content

  • *

Please allow traffic on the protocols below for the domains mentioned:

  • TCP 80 (HTTP)
  • TCP 443 (HTTPS)
  • TCP 1935 (RTMP/RTMPS)


In addition to the regular web services mentioned above, the Wexer system utilizes two main services:

real-time communication and remote support via TeamViewer.

  • The real-time service is extremely lightweight text messages distributed via ports 80 and 443. It allows for basic remote commands and schedule updates to be issued.
  • TeamViewer is our remote support tool and operates mainly via port 5938. Alternatively, ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (SSL) are used for tunneling suffice port 5938 is not available.

Please note! Wexer cannot provide any remote support using services other than TeamViewer.

Additional settings

If applicable, please allow any firewalls and/or antivirus software to process files up to 1 GB in size.

If the appropriate file size settings are not in place, it may cause a time-out loop each time a download is retried.

Please also ensure (if used) to disable download filters or allow for .exe and .zip files to download through your firewall.


General network recommendations

Wexer recommends not installing the Wexer virtual player within the site's regular LAN and instead would recommend installing it within an open DMZ.

Wexer recommends MAC filtering for device installation to avoid using the device’s dedicated ethernet cable in other equipment. MAC addresses can be supplied by Wexer staff.