Mobile Platform: Stripe, creating an account to link to your Web Player

For your new mobile platform you will need a Stripe account if the Wexer platform isn't integrated into your membership management system.

Please follow these steps to ensure you set up the correct account and link our development team to it.

When you go to Stripe's Registration Page set up your account.

  • Enter the necessary information and an email will come to you to verify your account. 

Stripe generates an ID for your account. This ID is different from your account’s name and uniquely identifies your account, you can find your account ID in your Account and Profile settings.

Next step is to activate your account

  • Enter the information as the Verification pop-up
  • Fill out the account application requesting some basic information about your business, product, and your personal relationship to your business.
  • Once you've activate your Stripe account, you can’t change its country, it will be set up in the country of the person activating the account.
    • If you need to use Stripe in a different country, you must create a new account.



Invite your Team Members, and our Wexer development team.

From settings menu click the NEW MEMEBER button

  • You can invite members of your team to access your Stripe account.
  • You must assign each team member at least one role before you can invite them.
    • Roles protect your sensitive information and restrict the actions team members can perform on your account.

You can invite team members individually, or invite multiple users at the same time by separating their email addresses with a comma or space. You can also assign multiple roles to a team member, which gives them the combined set of permissions granted by those roles. Invites to your Stripe account expire after 10 days.

  • For our development team please invite as a developer - image below - using the email address of; subs+[your company name]



All that's left to do it untick Test Mode, top right of your home page an you now have your Stripe account set up. 

Now you have your Stripe account set up you are able to add coupon codes.