Now you have created your calendar you can export it as an iFrame, this can be used to promote your calendar to your users via a URL link or imbedded into your web site.
The iFrame calendar is dynamic, meaning it will automatically follow the current date allowing your users to view from the day they look at it and up to three months ahead.
Once in your MyWexer and on the Calendar page click Export, top right of the page, then in the pop-up Export as iFrame, image below.
From here you have options to personalise how your iFrame URL will look. By ticking the box you can Change Start and End Times of your schedule using the time dropdowns.
If you don't tick that box your iFrame will naturally default to a start time of 06:00 (6am) and end time of 23:00 (11pm) only showing classes that are available during those hours.
Should you just want to use and share the iFrame URL with your users you can click the Select link and press here to copy and close or manually copy the link address in the white box, open a new web page and paste the link to see your iFrame calendar.
The most effective way of advertising your MyWexer calendar to you users is to imbedded it into your own web site, see the image below. If you click the word Example we have set up how it could look if you choose to go that route.
Using our example you'll see a dummy web site page with the Schedule available at the top, click Schedule. In the white box under the words Class Schedule paste the iFrame URL link and your schedule can be seen.
As mentioned this is an example of how the iFrame could be seen in your web site. We recommend you look into the possibility of imbedding the iFrame into your own website as the best practice option.
Your calendar will automatically update overnight, so the changes you make today will automatically play from tomorrow, as long as you have your player turned on and connected to the internet 24/7 as it should be.
If you want to push those changes to your player instantly and not wait until tomorrow you can do this via the Publish button top right of the Calendar page in MyWexer.
One thing to note, should you schedule classes that haven't downloaded to your player yet there will be a delay in them playing.
Those new classes will be triggered to download before other new content because you have scheduled them, that download speed is entirely dependant on the internet speed a your location.