Re-Launching your Wexer System

If you Virtual Player has been offline for some time and you are returning to regular operations there will be updates needed for the player and new classes to be downloaded to it, all will happen automatically once online. Please review these important reminders:

  • If you had your internet service disconnected you will need to get that turned back on, and verified working, before using your Virtual Player.

  • Once your Internet is working again, please RESTART the Player. As it runs through the process you may see it download updates.  It may take 10-20 minutes to return to the home screen.

  • When at the home screen, please select any class and play it - you want to ensure you are still receiving good video and audio in your fitness room.  If your audio system, projector or TV is not working, that may be a completely separate issue than anything on your Virtual Player.


Common Questions:

While we were shut down, I got a lot of “Offline” warnings, what does that mean?

  • If your internet service was shut off the Virtual Player during, please ignore these messages unless you continue to receive them after restarting operations.

My Player is not working and there’s a message on the screen to contact Accounts

  • While this may be a billing issue, most likely your Virtual Player has not had internet service for at least 10 days and has locked itself down.  Please restore internet as noted the above, and restart your Player, if internet is working it will go to the home screen.  If your internet is not working, you will continue to receive this message.

My calendar is not working properly.

  • Your Player is probably operating from your last published calendar, if you have made updates for your relaunch, please enter them all correctly in your MyWexer Portal then allow 24-48 hours for the changes to download to the Player.  You can speed this process up by manually restarting the Player. If you’re still having an issue with your calendar, please submit a ticket, with the class title, date, and time.  Remember that Calendar functions are heavily dependent on internet, as above.

I have a billing question or would like to update your account information

I am having another issue, or the above did not help.

  • If you are having other issues or the above didn’t help you, please open a support ticket by clicking here, our support team will get you back up and running fast!