Partner Portal: Mobile Connect

Mobile Connect is designed as a way to upload and store your instructors videos in your Web Player class Library. It has an easy search function so your members favourite classes can easily be found! 


A few fundamental items that will support your use of Mobile Connect: 

  • Integrate your clubs instructors and/or information into the main part of your web player.  This will allow your members to see people they recognise and drive interest.
  • Use as a tool for uploading your own classes, nutritional advice, PT workout tasters or other commercial promotions you want your members to see. 
  • Use your own classes for your social media marketing with the URL link sharing capabilities in your web player. 
  • Use when you have a new instructor joining the team, add their classes to your web player to promote their classes for both in club and digitally. 
    • When you make updates to your in-club timetable, add these classes to your Web Player. This will increase awareness and drive participation

