Live streaming is exactly that, teaching a class and live streaming it via your mobile platform to your users.
When an class/event is planned for a day of the week, for example Tuesday at 14:30 (2.30pm), this placeholder will repeat weekly and appear as an upcoming class on the attached mobile platform.
Your instructor will initiate a stream from their preferred streaming device using the unique event stream key and will be live for the audience.
To start log in to your Partner Portal and enter your login credentials
Create a new event
The first step is to create a new event that will show up on our web-player as a live event. Please follow these steps below.
- 1. Click Schedule in the left navigation panel.
- 2. Click Add + in the top right of the page.
Once you've clicked the + sign the metadata page will show, enter all the relevant details.
- Click LIVE
- The title of the class/event.
- A description.
- Date being the first day the event will play, it will recure/repeat that day each week.
- The time of day the event will play.
- Upload your thumbnail
- image size and format to be 1920 X 1080PX .jpeg
When the details have been entered, the Save button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, will become active.
- By clicking Save a unique stream key will show.
- The stream URL is fixed and can also be copied from and passed to your instructor teaching the live event/class.
In addition to adding a live class you are also able to add an external link that will play through your mobile platform, such as Google Meet and Zoom will seamlessly fit into your schedule, complete with countdowns and all the necessary class details. Just as your live streamed classes the External link will be be available later in your on-demand library.
Enter the details as you would for a regular Live class, tick External Link, add your URL, press save and you'll see your meeting in your schedule.